About Us

Manufacturer and Exporter of Leather Goods & Accessories

Our leather goods for many different industries and has established strategies that allow it to deliver the best quality products at the lowest prices. Our passion is to fit our leather products into your lifestyle, so we spend many hours and resources developing leather products. Being a leather manufacturer, we can offer a wider product line than our competitors. The highest quality is guaranteed for all products we manufacture as a luxury leather goods manufacturer.

A leather that you can always trust. Manufacturer and exporter of leather goods & accessories from India. We specialize in leather goods craftsmanship, organized for anything. Known by all leather lovers as leather that lasts and is durable. ” Pure Leather Pure Power ” is our motto.

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop a customer-centric organization driven by strong values, efficient processes technology leadership, and innovation by working with our world-class colleagues.

Our Vision

The company’s vision is to become India’s largest and most valued exporter of leather goods and accessories. Providing every detail of world-class quality designed for men, women, and children is the guiding principle at Leather Designer.